Expert Digital Marketing for Colleges and Universities

With a large percentage of prospective students researching potential schools online, it is essential to promote your educational institution on the proper channels. As one of the largest media agencies in the country, Salem Media Group has the expertise and experience your college or university needs to create a strong digital presence through Salem Surround. 


Our geotargeting tactics allow you to focus on specific demographics in your area, which can include prospects actively searching for higher education, such as high school students and their parents. With programs like Surround Social, Surround Pay-Per-Click, Surround Display, and site retargeting, your college or university can reach the right prospective students at the right time and capitalize on past success by reinforcing your brand's message. 


Case Studies


Targeting and Geofencing 

A college sought to attract more enrollees for a cybersecurity conference. After Salem Surround achieved this goal with tactics like radio marketing, site targeting, and geofencing, the institution implemented our marketing strategy for future events like vocational fairs. 


The client also leveraged our expertise to increase lead generation for an undergraduate program they wished to highlight. By specifically targeting local high school students with geofencing and retargeting, our team was able to exceed the client’s expectations and secure a budget increase for their continuing campaign. 


Video and Social Media Content

A university was looking to increase its enrollment rates in its competitive gaming and general studies programs. They wanted to target specific demographics based on factors like income, credit score, and age. The institution was also interested in connecting with prospective students with a pre-established interest in that particular area of study. 


Salem Surround created a digital marketing strategy that focused on video and social media content. Our team employed tactics like targeted display (including retargeting), social media ads (including retargeting), YouTube TrueView, and programmatic audio to connect with prospects in the target demographics. The client reported a higher level of prospective students connecting via an ad after the implementation of our campaign, especially on YouTube. The client subsequently opted to hire Salem Surround for a new campaign that addressed their previous areas of success. 


Contact Salem Surround Today

Salem Surround creates digital marketing strategies to generate new leads and promote brand awareness for your college or university. Contact our team of expert digital analysts today to request a free digital presence evaluation. 

Smiling people participate in a standup meeting in an open office
A woman makes a purchase on her laptop

Learn more or receive a free digital presence evaluation. Contact us today.